Neutral, Navy, & Beachy

I love when I continuously work with families to slowly but surely work through every room in their home. With this family, that’s the case. This time we focused on their back entertainment room that features a half bath and large doors to the backyard which lets in plenty of light. This family loves the beach, and they wanted that love to be shown within this room. However, it is so easy to have a themed room be “cheesy.” A beach themed room doesn’t mean that you need to have a room full of photos of the coast and bowls full of sand and rocks. Themes can be portrayed in a subtle and classy way, which is what we did with this entertainment space. 

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In this room we focused on accessories that gave us a natural texture and colors giving this space a sense of calm. The neutrals and pop of navy is another component that ties the beach theme together. It proves to be a serene space with subtle beach vibes. I mean, doesn’t this space look so comfy!? I was tempted to curl up a good book and just relax for awhile. But then again, I feel the same way at the beach too!  They even had a retro video game machine to make entertaining in this space even more fun. I love unique touches like this that just bring a room to life! Fresh pops of greenery bring that natural feeling to life in this environment. All in all this room has the perfect trifecta: neutrals, navy, and beachy themes.  The serene feeling the neutrals bring with the boldness of the navy all tied in with the natural textures and subtle beach vibes makes this entertainment space unforgettable.